Credit Repair
Credit repair refers to the process of identifying and addressing issues in your credit report and improving your credit score. At Visionary Ventures Enterprises, we review clients' reports for errors, dispute inaccuracies, and address and manage debt, all while teaching our clients how to avoid common pitfalls and building positive credit history.
Choose your plan below.
Choose your plan
Tier 1
Personal Information Clean Up + Unlimited Inquiry Removals
Tier 2
Tier 1 Combo +
Collection Removal
(Includes 3-4 Rounds of Disputes)
Tier 3
Tier 1 + Tier 2 +
(Includes 4-5 Rounds of Disputes)
Credit Coaching
Credit coaching is a personalized process aimed at helping individuals and businesses understand, improve, and manage their credit profiles. At Visionary Ventures Enterprises, we educate our clients on the basics of credit, review their credit reports, develop an action plan, monitor and follow up, and offer as much support and encouragement to continue building positive credit habits.
See options below.
Personal Credit Coaching
Building and maintaining personal credit
Understanding personal loans, credit cards, and authorized user accounts
Travel credit and travel points assistance: learn how to fly for free
Protecting your personal credit: best practices and common pitfalls & more
Business Credit Coaching
Establishing and building business credit
Understanding business loans, credit lines, and trade lines
Strategies for separating personal and business credit
Protecting your business credit: best practices and potential risks & more